Friday, March 9, 2012

[DIRECT LINKS] Gears Of War Proper-Razor1911 + UPDATE 2

Gears of War is the first game developed by Epic Games for Microsoft Game
Studios. Gears of War thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing story of
humankinds epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish
race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet

* Engaging and disturbing cinematic story. Massively scoped worlds, memorable
characters and an epic story line play out like an intense and unsettling
blockbuster action film. Dramatic in-game camera work and a compelling
story bring the brutal, emotionally charged experience to life. Gamers
control Marcus Fenix and his fire team as they pit advanced human
technology against the overwhelming and horrific Locust Horde
* Fire team co-op action. All game modes, levels and scenarios are designed
for cooperative fire team play (AI or human). For the first time, AI
teammates are indiscernible from human players. They move intelligently,
take orders effectively, and seek cover and defend themselves when
necessary. Gamers will experience richer cooperative gameplay than ever,
through unique characters that require cooperation to survive
* Unprecedented visuals in next-generation gaming. Gears of War ushers in
the next generation with unprecedented visuals. The Unreal Engine 3
technology pushes high-definition visual designs and brings out the
smallest details in the largest battle. Gamers will experience a rich
dynamic world with an unprecedented level of detail. Characters come to
life with unbelievable model quality and a physics-integrated animation
system that has them truly reacting intelligently to events as they unfold
around them
* Hyper-realistic and intense combat. In Gears of War the battlefield is a
lethal place  to foolishly stand out in the open is to die. To survive,
gamers can create and take cover using interactive and dynamic
environments, suppress the enemy with blindfire, and use their weapons and
teammates to outwit and outfight thei

Install Notes

1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn iso
3. Install
4. Copy Crack over original files
5. Play!


951.76 MB

951.76 MB

951.76 MB

951.76 MB

951.76 MB

951.76 MB

951.76 MB

861.87 MB



VGA Cable Support: Monitor resolution widths greater than or equal to 1280 now render as letterbox. In particular VGA users running at 1280×1024 will now see the game in full 720p (1280×720) resolution in letterboxed form.
* Adjusted Assassination Multiplayer Gametype: Leader no longer has to unlock weapons and now has to be executed to die.
* Adjusted Boomshot: Splash damage to be more effective rendering targets down-but-not-out
* Adjusted Hammer of Dawn: Aiming will be more forgiving of moving targets
* Adjusted Roadie Run: Reduced frequency of accidently grabbing cover while running
* Kill Message Ticker: Ticker can now be seen while down-but-not-out and spectating
* General: Addressed a number of possible exploits in multiplayer.


Crack properly or get propered ;)


~ Unpack
~ Install the update
~ Copy the crack from the ViTALiTY folder
~ Rot in heaven

6.48 MB

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Softwares,Games,Movies Etc Direct : [Direct Links] Gears Of War Proper-Razor1911 + Update 2 >>>>> Download Now

>>>>> Download Full

Softwares,Games,Movies Etc Direct : [Direct Links] Gears Of War Proper-Razor1911 + Update 2 >>>>> Download LINK

>>>>> Download Now

Softwares,Games,Movies Etc Direct : [Direct Links] Gears Of War Proper-Razor1911 + Update 2 >>>>> Download Full

>>>>> Download LINK i4

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